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Welcome to the War, Peace and International Relations Society (WARSOC) at Reading University.  This website is used to help, guide and bring together all the students studying War, Peace and I.R and any other students who have an interest in the subject.  


Latest News;

WARSOC think tanks! See below.

Check out the lectures below,

If you are interested then

WARSOC Airsoft

We have had alot of responses on this, and yes we are creating a WARSOC Airsoft team.  The first date we have is Sun 6th March at one of the local airsoft sites.  The cost of the day should be in the region of thirty pounds as well as petrol money to drivers- Look at it as a night not going out. 

All those who have ever done airsoft know that it is worth it.

If you want to discuss any aspect of this then turn up to our weekly discussion forums or email

Andrew Houston;

WARSOC Lunchtime Discussion groups

Next meeting; Is Democracy compatable with Islam? Room 111 Palmer Building March 17th 1-2pm.

We have now booked a different room with a much larger capacity to hold us all.  From now on all meetings will be held in Palmer 111 which seats thirty-eight so hopefully we will not run out of space this time!


We will be discussing the contemporary issue of wether democracy is compatable with Islam- so get armed with the facts.


This discussion will be hosted by a member of the islamic group Hizb ut Tehrir with an open discussion afterwards. 


Hope to see you all there!

If you want any more information then email

Tim Johnson;,


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